Indumenti divini senza cuciture...

Liang Long Wushu Guan
One path is better than no path, but the right path is best of all.

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Indumenti divini senza cuciture...

Liang Long Wushu Guan
Pubblicato in Proverbi · 8 Luglio 2018
Divine Garments Without Seams 天衣无缝 (tiān yī wú fènɡ)
There  was a man called Guo Han in the Tang Dynasty(618-907). One summer  night, when the moon was very bright he suddenly saw a girl descending  slowly from the sky.  He observed the girl closely and found that the  dress she was wearing was seamless.He was puzzled and asked why. The  girl answered,”Heavenly clothes are not sewn with needle and thread.”
This  idiom is a metaphor for doing things perfectly. It can also be used to  indicate a perfectly written poem or another literary article.

per apprendere il vero kung-fu
Liang Long Wushu Guan Scuola di kung-fu wushu tradizionale nata a Roma nel 1988 dalla costola della 'Nga Man Tao Pai presente a Roma dal 1974. Oltre 30 anni di storia in oltre 40 anni di pratica.
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